Source code for plumbum.fs.atomic

Atomic file operations

import atexit
import contextlib
import os
import threading

from plumbum.machines.local import local

    import fcntl
except ImportError:
    import msvcrt

        from pywintypes import error as WinError
        from win32file import OVERLAPPED, LockFileEx, UnlockFile
    except ImportError:
        print(  # noqa: T201
            "On Windows, Plumbum requires Python for Windows Extensions (pywin32)"

    def locked_file(fileno, blocking=True):
        hndl = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(fileno)
                | (0 if blocking else LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY),
        except WinError as ex:
            raise OSError(*ex.args) from None
            UnlockFile(hndl, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF)

    if hasattr(fcntl, "lockf"):

        def locked_file(fileno, blocking=True):
            fcntl.lockf(fileno, fcntl.LOCK_EX | (0 if blocking else fcntl.LOCK_NB))
                fcntl.lockf(fileno, fcntl.LOCK_UN)


        def locked_file(fileno, blocking=True):
            fcntl.flock(fileno, fcntl.LOCK_EX | (0 if blocking else fcntl.LOCK_NB))
                fcntl.flock(fileno, fcntl.LOCK_UN)

[docs]class AtomicFile: """ Atomic file operations implemented using file-system advisory locks (``flock`` on POSIX, ``LockFile`` on Windows). .. note:: On Linux, the manpage says ``flock`` might have issues with NFS mounts. You should take this into account. .. versionadded:: 1.3 """ CHUNK_SIZE = 32 * 1024 def __init__(self, filename, ignore_deletion=False): self.path = local.path(filename) self._ignore_deletion = ignore_deletion self._thdlock = threading.Lock() self._owned_by = None self._fileobj = None self.reopen() def __repr__(self): return f"<AtomicFile: {self.path}>" if self._fileobj else "<AtomicFile: closed>" def __del__(self): self.close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, t, v, tb): self.close() def close(self): if self._fileobj is not None: self._fileobj.close() self._fileobj = None
[docs] def reopen(self): """ Close and reopen the file; useful when the file was deleted from the file system by a different process """ self.close() self._fileobj = os.fdopen(, os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR, 384), "r+b", 0 )
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def locked(self, blocking=True): """ A context manager that locks the file; this function is reentrant by the thread currently holding the lock. :param blocking: if ``True``, the call will block until we can grab the file system lock. if ``False``, the call may fail immediately with the underlying exception (``IOError`` or ``WindowsError``) """ if self._owned_by == threading.get_ident(): yield return with self._thdlock, locked_file(self._fileobj.fileno(), blocking): if not self.path.exists() and not self._ignore_deletion: raise ValueError("Atomic file removed from filesystem") self._owned_by = threading.get_ident() try: yield finally: self._owned_by = None
[docs] def delete(self): """ Atomically delete the file (holds the lock while doing it) """ with self.locked(): self.path.delete()
def _read_all(self): data = [] while True: buf = data.append(buf) if len(buf) < self.CHUNK_SIZE: break return b"".join(data)
[docs] def read_atomic(self): """Atomically read the entire file""" with self.locked(): return self._read_all()
[docs] def read_shared(self): """Read the file **without** holding the lock""" return self._read_all()
[docs] def write_atomic(self, data): """Writes the given data atomically to the file. Note that it overwrites the entire file; ``write_atomic("foo")`` followed by ``write_atomic("bar")`` will result in only ``"bar"``. """ with self.locked(): while data: chunk = data[: self.CHUNK_SIZE] self._fileobj.write(chunk) data = data[len(chunk) :] self._fileobj.flush() self._fileobj.truncate()
[docs]class AtomicCounterFile: """ An atomic counter based on AtomicFile. Each time you call ``next()``, it will atomically read and increment the counter's value, returning its previous value Example:: acf ="/some/file") print( # e.g., 7 print( # 8 print( # 9 .. versionadded:: 1.3 """ def __init__(self, atomicfile, initial=0): """ :param atomicfile: an :class:`AtomicFile <plumbum.atomic.AtomicFile>` instance :param initial: the initial value (used when the first time the file is created) """ self.atomicfile = atomicfile self.initial = initial def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, t, v, tb): self.close() def close(self): self.atomicfile.close()
[docs] @classmethod def open(cls, filename): """ Shortcut for ``AtomicCounterFile(AtomicFile(filename))`` """ return cls(AtomicFile(filename))
[docs] def reset(self, value=None): """ Reset the counter's value to the one given. If ``None``, it will default to the initial value provided to the constructor """ if value is None: value = self.initial if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError(f"value must be an integer, not {type(value)!r}") self.atomicfile.write_atomic(str(value).encode("utf8"))
[docs] def next(self): """ Read and increment the counter, returning its previous value """ with self.atomicfile.locked(): curr = self.atomicfile.read_atomic().decode("utf8") curr = self.initial if not curr else int(curr) self.atomicfile.write_atomic(str(curr + 1).encode("utf8")) return curr
[docs]class PidFileTaken(SystemExit): """ This exception is raised when PidFile.acquire fails to lock the pid file. Note that it derives from ``SystemExit``, so unless explicitly handled, it will terminate the process cleanly """ def __init__(self, msg, pid): SystemExit.__init__(self, msg) = pid
[docs]class PidFile: """ A PID file is a file that's locked by some process from the moment it starts until it dies (the OS will clear the lock when the process exits). It is used to prevent two instances of the same process (normally a daemon) from running concurrently. The PID file holds its process' PID, so you know who's holding it. .. versionadded:: 1.3 """ def __init__(self, filename): self.atomicfile = AtomicFile(filename) self._ctx = None def __enter__(self): self.acquire() def __exit__(self, t, v, tb): self.release() def __del__(self): with contextlib.suppress(Exception): self.release() def close(self): self.atomicfile.close()
[docs] def acquire(self): """ Attempt to acquire the PID file. If it's already locked, raises :class:`PidFileTaken <plumbum.atomic.PidFileTaken>`. You should normally acquire the file as early as possible when the program starts """ if self._ctx is not None: return self._ctx = self.atomicfile.locked(blocking=False) try: self._ctx.__enter__() # pylint: disable=unnecessary-dunder-call except OSError: self._ctx = None try: pid = self.atomicfile.read_shared().strip().decode("utf8") except OSError: pid = "Unknown" raise PidFileTaken( f"PID file {self.atomicfile.path!r} taken by process {pid}", pid, ) from None self.atomicfile.write_atomic(str(os.getpid()).encode("utf8")) atexit.register(self.release)
[docs] def release(self): """ Release the PID file (should only happen when the program terminates) """ if self._ctx is None: return self.atomicfile.delete() try: self._ctx.__exit__(None, None, None) finally: self._ctx = None