Source code for plumbum.machines.ssh_machine

import re
import socket
import warnings
from contextlib import closing

from plumbum.commands import ProcessExecutionError, shquote
from plumbum.lib import IS_WIN32
from plumbum.machines.local import local
from plumbum.machines.remote import BaseRemoteMachine
from plumbum.machines.session import ShellSession
from plumbum.path.local import LocalPath
from plumbum.path.remote import RemotePath

def _get_free_port():
    """Attempts to find a free port."""
    s = socket.socket()
    with closing(s):
        s.bind(("localhost", 0))
        return s.getsockname()[1]

[docs]class SshTunnel: """An object representing an SSH tunnel (created by :func:`SshMachine.tunnel <plumbum.machines.remote.SshMachine.tunnel>`)""" __slots__ = ["_session", "_lport", "_dport", "_reverse", "__weakref__"]
[docs] def __init__(self, session, lport, dport, reverse): self._session = session self._lport = lport self._dport = dport self._reverse = reverse if reverse and str(dport) == "0" and session._startup_result is not None: # Try to detect assigned remote port. regex = re.compile( r"^Allocated port (\d+) for remote forward to .+$", re.MULTILINE ) match =[2]) if match: self._dport =
[docs] def __repr__(self): tunnel = self._session.proc if self._session.alive() else "(defunct)" return f"<SshTunnel {tunnel}>"
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, t, v, tb): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """Closes(terminates) the tunnel""" self._session.close()
@property def lport(self): """Tunneled port or socket on the local machine.""" return self._lport @property def dport(self): """Tunneled port or socket on the remote machine.""" return self._dport @property def reverse(self): """Represents if the tunnel is a reverse tunnel.""" return self._reverse
[docs]class SshMachine(BaseRemoteMachine): """ An implementation of :class:`remote machine <plumbum.machines.remote.BaseRemoteMachine>` over SSH. Invoking a remote command translates to invoking it over SSH :: with SshMachine("yourhostname") as rem: r_ls = rem["ls"] # r_ls is the remote `ls` # executing r_ls() translates to `ssh yourhostname ls` :param host: the host name to connect to (SSH server) :param user: the user to connect as (if ``None``, the default will be used) :param port: the server's port (if ``None``, the default will be used) :param keyfile: the path to the identity file (if ``None``, the default will be used) :param ssh_command: the ``ssh`` command to use; this has to be a ``Command`` object; if ``None``, the default ssh client will be used. :param scp_command: the ``scp`` command to use; this has to be a ``Command`` object; if ``None``, the default scp program will be used. :param ssh_opts: any additional options for ``ssh`` (a list of strings) :param scp_opts: any additional options for ``scp`` (a list of strings) :param password: the password to use; requires ``sshpass`` be installed. Cannot be used in conjunction with ``ssh_command`` or ``scp_command`` (will be ignored). NOTE: THIS IS A SECURITY RISK! :param encoding: the remote machine's encoding (defaults to UTF8) :param connect_timeout: specify a connection timeout (the time until shell prompt is seen). The default is 10 seconds. Set to ``None`` to disable :param new_session: whether or not to start the background session as a new session leader (setsid). This will prevent it from being killed on Ctrl+C (SIGINT) """
[docs] def __init__( self, host, user=None, port=None, keyfile=None, ssh_command=None, scp_command=None, ssh_opts=(), scp_opts=(), password=None, encoding="utf8", connect_timeout=10, new_session=False, ): if ssh_command is None: if password is not None: ssh_command = local["sshpass"]["-p", password, "ssh"] else: ssh_command = local["ssh"] if scp_command is None: if password is not None: scp_command = local["sshpass"]["-p", password, "scp"] else: scp_command = local["scp"] scp_args = [] ssh_args = [] = host if user: self._fqhost = f"{user}@{host}" else: self._fqhost = host if port: ssh_args.extend(["-p", str(port)]) scp_args.extend(["-P", str(port)]) if keyfile: ssh_args.extend(["-i", str(keyfile)]) scp_args.extend(["-i", str(keyfile)]) scp_args.append("-r") ssh_args.extend(ssh_opts) scp_args.extend(scp_opts) self._ssh_command = ssh_command[tuple(ssh_args)] self._scp_command = scp_command[tuple(scp_args)] BaseRemoteMachine.__init__( self, encoding=encoding, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, new_session=new_session, )
[docs] def __str__(self): return f"ssh://{self._fqhost}"
[docs] def popen(self, args, ssh_opts=(), env=None, cwd=None, **kwargs): cmdline = [] cmdline.extend(ssh_opts) cmdline.append(self._fqhost) if args: envdelta = {} if hasattr(self, "env"): envdelta.update(self.env.getdelta()) if env: envdelta.update(env) if cwd is None: cwd = getattr(self, "cwd", None) if cwd: cmdline.extend(["cd", str(cwd), "&&"]) if envdelta: cmdline.append("env") cmdline.extend(f"{k}={shquote(v)}" for k, v in envdelta.items()) if isinstance(args, (tuple, list)): cmdline.extend(args) else: cmdline.append(args) return self._ssh_command[tuple(cmdline)].popen(**kwargs)
[docs] def nohup(self, command): """ Runs the given command using ``nohup`` and redirects std handles, allowing the command to run "detached" from its controlling TTY or parent. Does not return anything. Depreciated (use command.nohup or daemonic_popen). """ warnings.warn( "Use .nohup on the command or use daemonic_popen)", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.daemonic_popen(command, cwd=".", stdout=None, stderr=None, append=False)
[docs] def daemonic_popen(self, command, cwd=".", stdout=None, stderr=None, append=True): """ Runs the given command using ``nohup`` and redirects std handles, allowing the command to run "detached" from its controlling TTY or parent. Does not return anything. .. versionadded:: 1.6.0 """ if stdout is None: stdout = "/dev/null" if stderr is None: stderr = "&1" args = [] if str(cwd) == "." else ["cd", str(cwd), "&&"] args.append("nohup") args.extend(command.formulate()) args.extend( [ (">>" if append else ">") + str(stdout), "2" + (">>" if (append and stderr != "&1") else ">") + str(stderr), "</dev/null", ] ) proc = self.popen(args, ssh_opts=["-f"]) rc = proc.wait() try: if rc != 0: raise ProcessExecutionError( args, rc,, ) finally: proc.stdin.close() proc.stdout.close() proc.stderr.close()
[docs] def session(self, isatty=False, new_session=False): return ShellSession( self.popen( ["/bin/sh"], (["-tt"] if isatty else ["-T"]), new_session=new_session ), self.custom_encoding, isatty, self.connect_timeout,, )
[docs] def tunnel( self, lport, dport, lhost="localhost", dhost="localhost", connect_timeout=5, # noqa: ARG002 reverse=False, ): r"""Creates an SSH tunnel from the TCP port (``lport``) of the local machine (``lhost``, defaults to ``"localhost"``, but it can be any IP you can ``bind()``) to the remote TCP port (``dport``) of the destination machine (``dhost``, defaults to ``"localhost"``, which means *this remote machine*). This function also supports Unix sockets, in which case the local socket should be passed in as ``lport`` and the local bind address should be ``None``. The same can be done for a remote socket, by following the same pattern with ``dport`` and ``dhost``. The returned :class:`SshTunnel <plumbum.machines.remote.SshTunnel>` object can be used as a *context-manager*. The more conventional use case is the following:: +---------+ +---------+ | Your | | Remote | | Machine | | Machine | +----o----+ +---- ----+ | ^ | | lport dport | | \______SSH TUNNEL____/ (secure) Here, you wish to communicate safely between port ``lport`` of your machine and port ``dport`` of the remote machine. Communication is tunneled over SSH, so the connection is authenticated and encrypted. The more general case is shown below (where ``dport != "localhost"``):: +---------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ | Your | | Remote | | Destination | | Machine | | Machine | | Machine | +----o----+ +---- ----o---+ +---- --------+ | ^ | ^ | | | | lhost:lport | | dhost:dport | | | | \_____SSH TUNNEL_____/ \_____SOCKET____/ (secure) (not secure) Usage:: rem = SshMachine("megazord") with rem.tunnel(1234, "/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock", dhost=None): sock = socket.socket() sock.connect(("localhost", 1234)) # sock is now tunneled to the MySQL socket on megazord """ formatted_lhost = "" if lhost is None else f"[{lhost}]:" formatted_dhost = "" if dhost is None else f"[{dhost}]:" if str(lport) == "0": lport = _get_free_port() ssh_opts = ( [ "-L", f"{formatted_lhost}{lport}:{formatted_dhost}{dport}", ] if not reverse else [ "-R", f"{formatted_dhost}{dport}:{formatted_lhost}{lport}", ] ) proc = self.popen((), ssh_opts=ssh_opts, new_session=True) return SshTunnel( ShellSession( proc, self.custom_encoding, connect_timeout=self.connect_timeout ), lport, dport, reverse, )
@staticmethod def _translate_drive_letter(path): # replace c:\some\path with /c/some/path path = str(path) if ":" in path: return "/" + path.replace(":", "").replace("\\", "/") return path
[docs] def download(self, src, dst): if isinstance(src, LocalPath): raise TypeError(f"src of download cannot be {src!r}") if isinstance(src, RemotePath) and src.remote != self: raise TypeError(f"src {src!r} points to a different remote machine") if isinstance(dst, RemotePath): raise TypeError(f"dst of download cannot be {dst!r}") if IS_WIN32: src = self._translate_drive_letter(src) dst = self._translate_drive_letter(dst) self._scp_command(f"{self._fqhost}:{shquote(src)}", dst)
[docs] def upload(self, src, dst): if isinstance(src, RemotePath): raise TypeError(f"src of upload cannot be {src!r}") if isinstance(dst, LocalPath): raise TypeError(f"dst of upload cannot be {dst!r}") if isinstance(dst, RemotePath) and dst.remote != self: raise TypeError(f"dst {dst!r} points to a different remote machine") if IS_WIN32: src = self._translate_drive_letter(src) dst = self._translate_drive_letter(dst) self._scp_command(src, f"{self._fqhost}:{shquote(dst)}")
[docs]class PuttyMachine(SshMachine): """ PuTTY-flavored SSH connection. The programs ``plink`` and ``pscp`` are expected to be in the path (or you may provide your own ``ssh_command`` and ``scp_command``) Arguments are the same as for :class:`plumbum.machines.remote.SshMachine` """
[docs] def __init__( self, host, user=None, port=None, keyfile=None, ssh_command=None, scp_command=None, ssh_opts=(), scp_opts=(), encoding="utf8", connect_timeout=10, new_session=False, ): if ssh_command is None: ssh_command = local["plink"] if scp_command is None: scp_command = local["pscp"] if not ssh_opts: ssh_opts = ["-ssh"] if user is None: user = local.env.user if port is not None: ssh_opts.extend(["-P", str(port)]) scp_opts = [*list(scp_opts), "-P", str(port)] port = None SshMachine.__init__( self, host, user, port, keyfile=keyfile, ssh_command=ssh_command, scp_command=scp_command, ssh_opts=ssh_opts, scp_opts=scp_opts, encoding=encoding, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, new_session=new_session, )
[docs] def __str__(self): return f"putty-ssh://{self._fqhost}"
def _translate_drive_letter(self, path): # pscp takes care of windows paths automatically return path
[docs] def session(self, isatty=False, new_session=False): return ShellSession( self.popen((), (["-t"] if isatty else ["-T"]), new_session=new_session), self.custom_encoding, isatty, self.connect_timeout, )