Source code for plumbum.commands.processes

import atexit
import contextlib
import heapq
import math
import time
from queue import Empty as QueueEmpty
from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread

from plumbum.lib import IS_WIN32

# ===================================================================================================
# utility functions
# ===================================================================================================
def _check_process(proc, retcode, timeout, stdout, stderr):
    proc.verify(retcode, timeout, stdout, stderr)
    return proc.returncode, stdout, stderr

def _get_piped_streams(proc):
    """Get a list of all valid standard streams for proc that were opened with PIPE option.

    If proc was started from a Pipeline command, this function assumes it will have a
    "srcproc" member pointing to the previous command in the pipeline. That link will
    be used to traverse all started processes started from the pipeline, the list will
    include stdout/stderr streams opened as PIPE for all commands in the pipeline.
    If that was not the case, some processes could write to pipes no one reads from
    which would result in process stalling after the pipe's buffer is filled.

    Streams that were closed (because they were redirected to the input of a subsequent command)
    are not included in the result
    streams = []

    def add_stream(type_, stream):
        if stream is None or stream.closed:
        streams.append((type_, stream))

    while proc:
        add_stream(1, proc.stderr)
        add_stream(0, proc.stdout)
        proc = getattr(proc, "srcproc", None)

    return streams

def _iter_lines_posix(proc, decode, linesize, line_timeout=None):
    from selectors import EVENT_READ, DefaultSelector

    streams = _get_piped_streams(proc)

    # Python 3.4+ implementation
    def selector():
        sel = DefaultSelector()
        for stream_type, stream in streams:
            sel.register(stream, EVENT_READ, stream_type)
        while True:
            ready =
            if not ready and line_timeout:
                raise ProcessLineTimedOut(
                    "popen line timeout expired",
                    getattr(proc, "argv", None),
                    getattr(proc, "machine", None),
            for key, _mask in ready:
                yield, decode(key.fileobj.readline(linesize))

    for ret in selector():
        yield ret
        if proc.poll() is not None:
    for stream_type, stream in streams:
        for line in stream:
            yield stream_type, decode(line)

def _iter_lines_win32(proc, decode, linesize, line_timeout=None):
    class Piper(Thread):
        def __init__(self, fd, pipe):
            self.pipe = pipe
            self.fd = fd
            self.empty = False
            self.daemon = True

        def read_from_pipe(self):
            return self.pipe.readline(linesize)

        def run(self):
            for line in iter(self.read_from_pipe, b""):
                queue.put((self.fd, decode(line)))
            # self.pipe.close()

    if line_timeout is None:
        line_timeout = float("inf")
    queue = Queue()
    pipers = [Piper(0, proc.stdout), Piper(1, proc.stderr)]
    last_line_ts = time.time()
    empty = True
    while True:
            yield queue.get_nowait()
            last_line_ts = time.time()
            empty = False
        except QueueEmpty:
            empty = True
        if time.time() - last_line_ts > line_timeout:
            raise ProcessLineTimedOut(
                "popen line timeout expired",
                getattr(proc, "argv", None),
                getattr(proc, "machine", None),
        if proc.poll() is not None:
        if empty:

    for piper in pipers:

    while True:
            yield queue.get_nowait()
        except QueueEmpty:

_iter_lines = _iter_lines_win32 if IS_WIN32 else _iter_lines_posix

# ===================================================================================================
# Exceptions
# ===================================================================================================
[docs]class ProcessExecutionError(OSError): """Represents the failure of a process. When the exit code of a terminated process does not match the expected result, this exception is raised by :func:`run_proc <plumbum.commands.run_proc>`. It contains the process' return code, stdout, and stderr, as well as the command line used to create the process (``argv``) """
[docs] def __init__(self, argv, retcode, stdout, stderr, message=None, *, host=None): # we can't use 'super' here since OSError only keeps the first 2 args, # which leads to failing in loading this object from a pickle.dumps. # pylint: disable-next=non-parent-init-called Exception.__init__(self, argv, retcode, stdout, stderr) self.message = message = host self.argv = argv self.retcode = retcode if isinstance(stdout, bytes): stdout = ascii(stdout) if isinstance(stderr, bytes): stderr = ascii(stderr) self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr
[docs] def __str__(self): # avoid an import cycle from plumbum.commands.base import shquote_list stdout = "\n | ".join(str(self.stdout).splitlines()) stderr = "\n | ".join(str(self.stderr).splitlines()) cmd = " ".join(shquote_list(self.argv)) lines = [] if self.message: lines = [self.message, "\nReturn code: | ", str(self.retcode)] else: lines = ["Unexpected exit code: ", str(self.retcode)] cmd = "\n | ".join(cmd.splitlines()) lines += ["\nCommand line: | ", cmd] if lines += ["\nHost: | ",] if stdout: lines += ["\nStdout: | ", stdout] if stderr: lines += ["\nStderr: | ", stderr] return "".join(lines)
[docs]class ProcessTimedOut(Exception): """Raises by :func:`run_proc <plumbum.commands.run_proc>` when a ``timeout`` has been specified and it has elapsed before the process terminated"""
[docs] def __init__(self, msg, argv): Exception.__init__(self, msg, argv) self.argv = argv
[docs]class ProcessLineTimedOut(Exception): """Raises by :func:`iter_lines <plumbum.commands.iter_lines>` when a ``line_timeout`` has been specified and it has elapsed before the process yielded another line"""
[docs] def __init__(self, msg, argv, machine): Exception.__init__(self, msg, argv, machine) self.argv = argv self.machine = machine
[docs]class CommandNotFound(AttributeError): """Raised by :func:`local.which <plumbum.machines.local.LocalMachine.which>` and :func:`RemoteMachine.which <plumbum.machines.remote.RemoteMachine.which>` when a command was not found in the system's ``PATH``"""
[docs] def __init__(self, program, path): super().__init__(self, program, path) self.program = program self.path = path
# =================================================================================================== # Timeout thread # =================================================================================================== class MinHeap: def __init__(self, items=()): self._items = list(items) heapq.heapify(self._items) def __len__(self): return len(self._items) def push(self, item): heapq.heappush(self._items, item) def pop(self): heapq.heappop(self._items) def peek(self): return self._items[0] _timeout_queue = Queue() # type: ignore[var-annotated] _shutting_down = False def _timeout_thread_func(): waiting = MinHeap() try: while not _shutting_down: if waiting: ttk, _ = waiting.peek() timeout = max(0, ttk - time.time()) else: timeout = None with contextlib.suppress(QueueEmpty): proc, time_to_kill = _timeout_queue.get(timeout=timeout) if proc is SystemExit: # terminate return waiting.push((time_to_kill, proc)) now = time.time() while waiting: ttk, proc = waiting.peek() if ttk > now: break waiting.pop() with contextlib.suppress(OSError): if proc.poll() is None: proc.kill() proc._timed_out = True except Exception: if _shutting_down: # to prevent all sorts of exceptions during interpreter shutdown pass else: raise bgthd = Thread(target=_timeout_thread_func, name="PlumbumTimeoutThread") bgthd.daemon = True bgthd.start() def _register_proc_timeout(proc, timeout): if timeout is not None: _timeout_queue.put((proc, time.time() + timeout)) def _shutdown_bg_threads(): global _shutting_down # noqa: PLW0603 _shutting_down = True # Make sure this still exists (don't throw error in atexit!) # TODO: not sure why this would be "falsey", though if _timeout_queue: # type: ignore[truthy-bool] _timeout_queue.put((SystemExit, 0)) # grace period bgthd.join(0.1) atexit.register(_shutdown_bg_threads) # =================================================================================================== # run_proc # ===================================================================================================
[docs]def run_proc(proc, retcode, timeout=None): """Waits for the given process to terminate, with the expected exit code :param proc: a running Popen-like object, with all the expected methods. :param retcode: the expected return (exit) code of the process. It defaults to 0 (the convention for success). If ``None``, the return code is ignored. It may also be a tuple (or any object that supports ``__contains__``) of expected return codes. :param timeout: the number of seconds (a ``float``) to allow the process to run, before forcefully terminating it. If ``None``, not timeout is imposed; otherwise the process is expected to terminate within that timeout value, or it will be killed and :class:`ProcessTimedOut <plumbum.cli.ProcessTimedOut>` will be raised :returns: A tuple of (return code, stdout, stderr) """ _register_proc_timeout(proc, timeout) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() proc._end_time = time.time() if not stdout: stdout = b"" if not stderr: stderr = b"" if getattr(proc, "custom_encoding", None): stdout = stdout.decode(proc.custom_encoding, "ignore") stderr = stderr.decode(proc.custom_encoding, "ignore") return _check_process(proc, retcode, timeout, stdout, stderr)
# =================================================================================================== # iter_lines # =================================================================================================== BY_POSITION = object() BY_TYPE = object() DEFAULT_ITER_LINES_MODE = BY_POSITION DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = math.inf
[docs]def iter_lines( proc, retcode=0, timeout=None, linesize=-1, line_timeout=None, buffer_size=None, mode=None, _iter_lines=_iter_lines, ): """Runs the given process (equivalent to run_proc()) and yields a tuples of (out, err) line pairs. If the exit code of the process does not match the expected one, :class:`ProcessExecutionError <plumbum.commands.ProcessExecutionError>` is raised. :param retcode: The expected return code of this process (defaults to 0). In order to disable exit-code validation, pass ``None``. It may also be a tuple (or any iterable) of expected exit codes. :param timeout: The maximal amount of time (in seconds) to allow the process to run. ``None`` means no timeout is imposed; otherwise, if the process hasn't terminated after that many seconds, the process will be forcefully terminated an exception will be raised :param linesize: Maximum number of characters to read from stdout/stderr at each iteration. ``-1`` (default) reads until a b'\\n' is encountered. :param line_timeout: The maximal amount of time (in seconds) to allow between consecutive lines in either stream. Raise an :class:`ProcessLineTimedOut <plumbum.commands.ProcessLineTimedOut>` if the timeout has been reached. ``None`` means no timeout is imposed. :param buffer_size: Maximum number of lines to keep in the stdout/stderr buffers, in case of a ProcessExecutionError. Default is ``None``, which defaults to DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE (which is infinite by default). ``0`` will disable buffering completely. :param mode: Controls what the generator yields. Defaults to DEFAULT_ITER_LINES_MODE (which is BY_POSITION by default) - BY_POSITION (default): yields ``(out, err)`` line tuples, where either item may be ``None`` - BY_TYPE: yields ``(fd, line)`` tuples, where ``fd`` is 1 (stdout) or 2 (stderr) :returns: An iterator of (out, err) line tuples. """ if mode is None: mode = DEFAULT_ITER_LINES_MODE if buffer_size is None: buffer_size = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE buffer_size: int # type: ignore[annotation-unchecked] assert mode in (BY_POSITION, BY_TYPE) encoding = getattr(proc, "custom_encoding", None) or "utf-8" decode = lambda s: s.decode(encoding, errors="replace").rstrip() # noqa: E731 _register_proc_timeout(proc, timeout) buffers = [[], []] for t, line in _iter_lines(proc, decode, linesize, line_timeout): # verify that the proc hasn't timed out yet proc.verify(timeout=timeout, retcode=None, stdout=None, stderr=None) buffer = buffers[t] if buffer_size > 0: buffer.append(line) if buffer_size < math.inf: del buffer[:-buffer_size] if mode is BY_POSITION: ret = [None, None] ret[t] = line yield tuple(ret) elif mode is BY_TYPE: yield (t + 1), line # 1=stdout, 2=stderr # this will take care of checking return code and timeouts _check_process(proc, retcode, timeout, *("\n".join(s) + "\n" for s in buffers))